Industry Certification Pathway

Build your Professional Dog Grooming Career 1 Block at a time, with igroomschool and a Practical Training provider near you

Meet the Blocks

Our industry certification is a culmination of over 50 years of collective experience in grooming education. The comprehensive certification program spans a 5-Block, 3-year pathway, guiding individuals from critical foundational grooming principles to advanced expertise. Our approach prioritizes imparting practical, substantive knowledge, steering clear of unnecessary content.

Explore each learning level through the tabs below. Our commitment is to maintain simplicity while emphasizing the essentials that truly matter in dog grooming education.
Block 1 | Canis Lupus Familiaris
Block 2 | Groomers Assistant
Block 3 | Pet Stylist
Block 4 | Professional Dog Groomer
Block 5 | Advanced Dog Groomer

Foundation Knowledge

Block one is all about getting to know dogs on a physiological level. You'll explore canine culture, the basic care of dogs, understand their life cycles, instincts and behaviours. We also look at first aid, introduce basic grooming tools and concepts, and important WHS for the industry. You'll complete this Block prior to commencing your practical training.

Bathing, Brushing, Basics

In Block 2, you will deepen your understanding of dog grooming tools, their use on particular coat types, and maintenance. You will explore shampoos, baths and dryers and the unique techniques to use them. This Block is released one week prior to commencing your practical training, and partially completed so you are ready to hit the ground running on day 1 at your school! You'll be guided through 12 bathing and drying tutorials across the different coat types, to compliment your first week of practical learning. 

From student to stylist

Block 3 gets underway a week into your practical training. Your online homework each night is designed to compliment the next day's learning. With a focus on gentle handling techniques, we cover a broad range of pet styling tutorials to get you ready for your practical assessments. You will be able to complete dogs from start to finish using your online learning and practical training. 

Putting it all together

On successful completion of Blocks 1, 2 and 3, it's now time for you to go out into the working world and hone your skills. Armed with your foundation skills, Block 4 and your igroomhub membership will guide you through understanding the breed standard grooms, and support you to shine and grow in your chosen workplace. Whether you are working at home alone, or in a team at a salon, or somewhere in between, Block 4 is a no pressure helping hand to guide you. When you are ready (and not before at least 12 months) you will be able to sit your practical exams and attain the Block 4 qualification. 

Mastering your trade

Block 5 is the icing on your cake. This course is entirely self directed, and entering competitions and attending seminars is encouraged and recognized as part of the course. Delve into Asian Fusion, Hand Stripping, Advanced Poodle Trims, Using Colour, and more. Your practical assessments will be assessed by a Master Groomer. On successful completion, you will be an Industry Certified Advanced Dog Groomer, ready to take on any grooming challenge. This course is a brilliant way to prepare for your Masters!

Follow your passion,
launch your new career with igroomschool!

Dog Diversity Grooming School

Located in Seddon, 3011

Australasian Dog Grooming Academy

Located in Mornington, 3931

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Learn more about launching your grooming school with us

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